Facebook for President!

And it begins!

It seems like only yesterday we were witness to the 2008 historical presidential race and election. Now we are already set on 2012 but how have things change for the political races since ’08 and what effects will social media bring to the ’12 race?

Unlike 2008 the internet has become less of a source magnet and more of a vehicle to raise awareness and get people registered to vote. Everyone has a twitter or a Facebook and everyone who wants to be taken seriously is constantly connected. We as a society have demanded this of our officials and the game has seriously changed. No longer will a list of emails or a bunch of well crafted commercials be your main source of revenue, but your Facebook and twitter will help you grasp your popularity and chance of winning.

We truly live in the world of tomorrow and just as everything progresses so does the political game. I will be interested to see social medias crucial place in 2012. As the election approaches I predict that Facebook will help win this election. Let’s just hope everyone thinks before they speak … or shall I say “before they type.”



2 Responses to Facebook for President!

  1. Shawnie Regina says:

    Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are probably the best media outlets for political campaigns and just bringing overall awareness to anything conducive of such. I feel as though, people become less involved in politics but if political messages are conveyed via these social networking sites, they will definitely be more well received, especially amongst young adults.

  2. mmcmediaprof says:

    Did you see that Obama did a town hall meeting from the FB headquarters? Also see recent NYT article on the GOP’s attempts to catch up with the Dems on use of social media in campaigns.

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